Sunday, September 23, 2012

Autumn's Grace

With the first day of Autumn, a day behind us now.... 
I pause to reflect on the beauty and teachings it offers all of us who
 seek to learn and embody its wisdom. 

 I honor the spirit of  Autumn with the above SoulCollage® card.  
I gathered found-images and arranged them as Intuition guided me...
my heart rejoices in gratitude for this wonderful, 
creative practice founded by Seena Frost over 25 years ago. 

So dear Seena and family at SoulCollage®, Inc.,
I am thankful to you for the inspiration you are....
the depth of self-discovery that SoulCollage® offers...
and the expanded horizon of my life...
which now spans the world...
because SoulCollage®
connects us to one another...
 and more deeply with ourselves.
Thank you.
~   ~   ~ 

To see the essence of  what "Autumn's Grace" shared with me, click here.   
To bask in the Ode to September inspiration, see the post below.
To learn more about SoulCollage® click here ...
for an inspiring video, featuring Seena! -
 or visit the official website, here.
To learn about the Principles of SoulCollage®, click here

With immense gratitude... ~Cheryl