Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Celebrating Autumn's beauty

Autumn's gorgeous variety of change. 
Each tree, each leaf each texture... 
changes, in its own time.

 Here, I Am.  
Grounded.  Connected. 
Thankful to be, and to be here.  
Thankful to witness...
the beauty of life... 
...and love of life.

Here, I stand.
Harmony around me...
....within me
...and beyond me.

...in a variety of shapes...
sizes.... colors.... 
sounds....and scents

unique beauty....
even beneath the surface....
....and soil

...and more beauty
....embracing the sky.
home to scampering...
....and winged creatures.

Branches reaching out....
in grace....
...arms open
embracing us with their beauty....
and essence...
at every turn.
Even when we're unaware
...we benefit
from the ever-giving presence of
nature's unfolding.
This stirs Gratitude-Joy within me
...a gift to my heart...
....to share
...throughout my days.

Here, I am.
~  ~   ~
Thank you.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Autumn Haiku

We are in the heart of Mother Nature's kaleidoscope of vivid, colors changing and emerging; leaves falling and disintegrating to embody the fullness of their cycle of life.  All the while, the soil is tilled,  subtly  for creating "what 's next".  The beauty of this reminds me of a few haikus that found their way through my heart this time last year. Ahh, autumn's gifts keep on giving and my heart and mind are overflowing with gratitude and keen awareness to each and every one.  Thank you, autumn for your ever-present beauty, gifts and grace.

Autmn Haiku

Sunshine through the leaves
autumn's true colors reveal
the beauty of "what is"

~   ~  ~

Bright autumn sun streams
like a shower through the trees...
Vivid colors glow

Here's to... the gifts of the season.
Autumn blessings to all...