Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 317 / 365

Tonight as I sink down down into the chair, getting comfy...listening to the sound of silence...enjoying the soft lamp-light in the Mango Studio, I relax into my body, aware of the Presence in my body...feels good.  Right now, in this moment I am aware of my gratitude for...

1)  ...the Divine Order that is ever present, and prevails - even when it doesn't look like it

2) ...the shared gratitude stories on sweet Laura's blog; and her generous spirit for rounding up fellow-travelers to contribute a blog post, including me; .and most of all for the inspiration that Laura is...she teaches and gives of her radiant spirit by simply being here on Earth...and doing what's for her to do moment to moment.    Thank you dear Laura Hegfield - kindred spirit, SoulCollage sister, friend...

3) ...spending the afternoon with Lee P. today;  we always have a good time together no matter how much time in-between has gone by.. a wonderful spirit connection...

4) ...this time of year..oh is so gorgeous and soothing and luminous!  radiant yellow Maple leaves that I swear...emit a light.  Standing up under them is like  giant umbrella and their healing, loving energy showers over me... I feel it deep inside.. very healing...and enchanting...

5) ...feeling good in my body; and the healing practicioners that are a part of my well-being team;  overall improvement

6), family, family....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading this kind of stuff. Thanks for sharing good knowledge