Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 337 / 365 - Letting go...

Ahh...yes... sitting here, cozy in the living room on this cold winter day... glad to have my humble abode.  I breathe.  I let my mind slow come down from hanging on all the thoughts that assemble there; reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently that read "Don't believe everything you think" - or something to that effect. Hmm..   And so.. coming back to the peace, the stillness, coming back to my intention to slow down and to get off of the merry-go-round of thought... to let go of it all, again and again.  In that light, I breathe a conscious breath... settle into my chair... feel my inner being cement it's connection with my physical being...  In this moment, I am aware of my gratitude for....

1) home - an all the Spirit of my home has witnessed... I am grateful for all She has taught me, is still teaching me... and what I have yet to learn...  I am thankful to be listening....

2) ...Pat Allen's Studio Process:  Art For the Soul at Lisa's studio, Whispers From the Moon today...  it's indeed a gift to create art from the heart with the kindred spirits there... and in that special place that is the studio.   I'm thankful I had today off, that I could attend.

3) evolving Tree Woman that's emerging during the Open Studio Process - I'm thankful for the process, for her evolving physical body...and for all she's teaching me in Spirit, in she emerges..  Thank you Tree Woman.

4) connecting with K this week, even if it was brief... she sounds good

5) rejuvenating health, appreciation for life...and Spirit that animates this body of mine...

6) good job.. as well as my life's Work...which I'm consistently reminded that my Life Work is mine to do from where ever I am... at any moment...

7)  ...The Creator of All that Is - and It's upholding, sustaining energy in the universe...and in the lives of every one of us...

Blessings do indeed abound.

1 comment:

Laura said...

"my Life Work is mine to do from where ever I am... at any moment"

I LOVE this...I myself add this one expansion "...every moment" as sometimes we don't realize that we are engaged in Life Work/Spirit Work...but we ARE, with every breath, conscious or not.

ps...I've been thinking about your question and started writing about it...will send to you soon:)