Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 303 / 365

In this moment... on this truly magnificient Fall day... I breathe in... and I am aware of my feeling of Gratitude-Joy for...

1)  the colors and scents of Fall... the crisp, yet warming breezes...the sound of the breeze through the trees...and the haiku poem Kamaria wrote for me in third grade...that refrenced "the breeze through the trees"... ahh.. out of the mouths of babes...

2) this quite time in my studio I work with Tree Woman...which I realize now..she's a part of my self-portait project... tears flowed this morning as I felt and heard her compassionate direction: lowering her arms from trying to hold up the a position of open embrace...a posture of receiving...and surrender...and  gratitude...and of faith heart...ready to receive blessings, guidance...and the feeling of "all needs met"

3)  the spirited, engaging conversation (and tea) with Pat Allen yesterday... oh my... what treasures were shared, uncovered...and seeds planted...  blessings, blessings everywhere!

4) the gift of the Open Studio Process that Pat has indeed made my creative time more mindful...prayeful... and sacred;  and opened the door to other easily assessible mediums to create with i.e.. tape and foil ...thank you Pat!

5)  good neighbors...and my friend and neighbor Pat W.

6) another day to embrace...and be present to...the sights and sounds of the season; and my role in the big picture of life....

7)  listening to the recorded telecast with Catherine Anderson on SoulCollage as prayer... thank you Catherine for beaming your loving spirit our way...with your generous and wise offering...


1 comment:

Laura said...

I now have to find that recording! is it at Kaleidosoul???? Sounds wonderful!

love to you dear one!