Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62 /365

Today.. I am aware of my gratitude for:

1a.) Kamaria... just hearing her voice, talking with her, and talking about an upcoming visit...oh heart is singing!, she was honored today at work with an award, the Ishobon (sp?) Award... it means #1 in Japanese... her manager, and his manager made a special visit to present her with the aware .. I am so happy for you, Kamaria, that like me, they recognize the beautiful, efficient, generous, mature, intelligent, compassionate, fair, service-minded...and good being that you are..

1b.) the people in my life who make me laugh... like cheekoshep...and George

2.) so many thoughtful, caring people in my, my neighbor Dennis dropped me off at the train even though I was earlier than usual... he circled back to get his wife, who'd not come outside yet

3.) my co-worker Bill B. - for caring enough to stop and talk with me about what's going on with me..and inspiring me to work out the best of my ability, even if it'ss different than what I used to do... he and I go back to 1980s...when running was a part of my workout - thanks, Bill

4.) the you man at the Halsted St. Deli who smilled, and held the door for me

5.) another good treatment from Dr. Shepherd today...getting me back on track, bit by bit..

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