Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63 /365

Ahh.. how nice to arrive home form work, energized yet relaxed. On a whim, I stayed after work to handle condo Board business and felt good about accomplishing that (hmm.. now to accompliish "my" agenda!)... at any rate, I realize there's something about the end of the day, when there's not likely the possibility of being interrupted or having to juggle and beat the clock (like I have to do when trying to do admin stuff at lunch)'s very calming after everyone's gone home...and I don't have the distractions that I do at home. I'm also aware that doing it on the spur of the moment is beneficial.. otherwise I might resist, procrastinate and end up making myself feel bad. So.. all in all, I am feeling good..and I am aware of my gratitude for:

1.) my realization of the insight I just mentioned, above...

2.) coming home and "drumming my day"... after the drum circle on Tuesday, I'm again reminded of the wondrous clearing ability of the drum.. so as soon as I came home I beat my drum ...honoring the day; and I just love the drum I made at the Drum Makiing retreat at Full Cirlce Retreat in WI last fall

3.) learing about SoulCollage Prayer Cards via a faciliatator's newsletter...and the generous sharing of the spiritual director who shared her beautiful work with this process

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Cheryl...ahh the power of 'spur of the moment" choices...and drums to help us connect to our own personal rhythm and SoulCollage Prayer Cards to open us to the Power and Rhythm that supports us completely.