Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 42 /365

At lunchtime I took a walk toward the lake front...through the park...and let myself simply be with the vibration of Nature. The trees, many of them still holding depths of snow, and the still white snow all over the larger areas...and the bright, bright was peaceful, and beautiful, and assuring. I am thank for:

1.) my lunch time walk, the splendor of Nature...and the brief conversation I had with another walker, who stopped by the bench where I was sitting

2.) learning about the programs at Renewal in the Wilderness, from a freind

3.) my friend sharing with me the winter wonderland of snow paths and hills, he and his wife (and son) built...for the little one's enjoyment .. oh what a gleefull experience!

4.) realizations... revelations... inviting them... realzing when they've come....and saying YES to them.. as they represent the unfoldment and the actualizations of what I've asked for on some level... what my heart has desired

5.) life... all of it

6.) the guiding light and wisdom of Howard Thurman's words: "...decide and abide" from his book, For the Inward Journey; and to Rev. Michael Beckwith for talking about it on his CD, The Vibration of the Most High

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