Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 /365

A pause... a conscious breath in...and out... settling in and feeling the gratitude within; I am thankful for:

1.) paying attention to what works for me..as intuition and the "still small voice" directs...and honoring it

2.) my dear friend and SoulCollagee-siser, Laura at Shine the Divine... her courageous spirit of inner-discovery and strength...and creativity... and for being a channel for the divine...and her encouragement for us to shine ours as well; Laura is an inspiring, delightful blessing in my life.

3.) the guidance, assurance, clarity I recieve from listening to and dialoguing with my Mandalas...and my other art-making; I am so grateful that "creatiivy as spiritual practice" is an inner-compass.. teaching and mentoring me...helping me unearth the treasure of my own self-love

4.) my thoughtful, generous SoulCollage-sister, Audrey Chowdhury...for sending me healing Reiki energy - thank you, thank you, thank you Audrey

5.) getting a seat on the train to work this morning - and for the peaceful ride home tonight

4.) feathers, feathers, feathers! - what stories they must have to tell...

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