Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31 /365

Just got back from an evening walk, after spending all day indoors... I am thankful for:

1.) having choices, and "deciding" to go for a walk

2.) running into a neighbor, Linda..and her dog Maui... on my walk; and for her adventuresome spirit... she's moving to Sante Fe, New Mexio next April! -- I find that inspiring.

3.) my SoulCollage-Sister...and soul-friend, Brenda; her sensitivity, compassion, goodness. creative and generous spirit are a God-send. Thank you Brenda, for your friendship...and for lifting me up today.

4.) the healing quality of tears...and for letting them come...and for the heart-relief they provide...especially when witnessed by a friend who understands; a good boo-hoo is good medicine... clears away stuff... like the rain

5.) hearing more of what I need to hear...and what I intiutively know... to "trust"...and rest in that from that energy (vs. worry; and realizing worry can be disguised as other emotions and self-talk. I am thankful for this being in my face once I can take my trust level up, up, up a few notches...or a many ways...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Life is Good. This is the thought I hold dear to my heart no matter what. Beneath all the tears and murky confusing incidents, experiences, complications: Life is Good.