Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26 /365

A relaxing evening.... a day where reflection was my companion...and my comfort. I am grateful for:

1.) the comfort of reflection...and trusting... and releasing more and more

2.) realizing that worry does not help anything... and that Affirmative Prayer helps everything

3.) watching Nova and the incredible program: "The Incredible Journey of the Butterflies" - talk about witnessing the miracle of nature! To actually see a catapillar create a cocoon, then watch him change/transform into a different body (4 times!) before he creatues the pupa, where he/she "tranforms" 10 days later into a Monarch Butterfly - before my eyes! And then.. these butterflies migrate from Canada and North America to specific mountains in Mexico for the winter... traveling over 2,000 miles! I am thankful for the technology that allowed me to witness the incredible, miracle of nature.

4.) my healthy eyes and eye sight; and God working through the Iris Guardians...that did their healing work...and continue their work on my behalf... thank you, thank you, thank you

5.) a good night's sleep...

6.) my continued growth and expansion... and willingness to do the work... and Grace for carrying me through... thank you

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