Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23 /365

This Saturday day afternoon I'm snug as a bug in a rug at home... very thankful to have it; and my heart filled with radiating prayers for the people of Haiti... I am thankful ...

1.) that I can pray for them... "knowing" that prayer works; Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn has studies proving this in his work; I am thankful that we as world citizens in various arenas of life have come together to support the Haitians in ways we can: through telethons, by donating $10 per First Lady Michelle Obama's appeal, donating to the Red Cross, the World Food Program

2.) that I'm balancing my life more...experiencing more of it off-line while appreciating the online community I'm a part of as well - balance is the key; I am thankful I listened to myself..and did that

3.) Create TV - a network dedicated to the sharing of passions - inspiration galore!

4.) the feeling of grounded satisfaction that creative expression gives me, be it crocheting, knitting, doll-making, collaging, writing... capturing inspirational whispers which always teach me something; it's indeed a marriage of art-making and soul expression

5.) the angels in my life...that always show up at the precise time I need them, to offer love, guidance, physical help, encouragement... Earth Angels are indeed a Godsend...and I thank you for being in my life

1 comment:

Laura said...

"...capturing inspirational whispers which always teach me something..."
Love this! If we tune in and listen, those whispers are always stirring.