Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 /365

I am quiet now.. just me...and the sound of my breathing... and the beat of my heart; breathing deep... I let go ..and let myself be with this moment. I let gratitude bubble up and nurture me. Right now, I am grateful for:

1.) true friendship - true friends

2.) my body's wisdom, intelligence and healing power - I let go and let it reign

3.) the "Creative & Sustaining Source" of life

4.) my caring and compassionate health and wellness providers & partners

5.) the chirping birds that stay during the winter; to see and hear them perks me up....makes me smile -- thank Goodness.

6.) frolicking dogs playng in the snow... another "perker-upper"

7.) colorful, cozy, crazy-patterned socks

8.) the healing power of love, joy, and gratitude... I'm grateful that whatever cheers my heart is good medicine..and is healing

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